This lesson plan is inspired by a lesson plan I created based learning on textures and patterns. It is geared for a 6th grade class. It studies how art is found in life and how life can be used as inspiration for art. Students will learn that patterns and textures are found in many parts of everyday life, such as: animal prints, leaves, clothing, biology, flowers, fruits, etc.. It provides a very fundamental lesson on creating texture which will be useful for students in future artistic endeavors. The lesson plan is broken down into three structured parts: researching, creating, and sharing.
The first part of my integration plan focuses on researching. The standard that will be relevant here is 1.2.2.D.4 Recognize how art is a part of everyday life. As the teacher I will start with a lecture, introduce the students to the topic of patterns and texture. I will then explain through powerpoint presentation where we see patterns in nature. The students would also view magazines in groups/with partners and discuss as a class where they see patterns in the magazines. For example, a national geographic magazine would show patterns in nature while a fashion magazine would show patterns in clothing and in fashion. I would then show them a youtube video, "How to make 4 patterns", to give them a visual of how they can get started with making their own. I would then demonstrate to the class how to make a pattern by making my own. They would be prompted to research patterns on the computer and print out 3 that inspire them the most. This part of the lesson would show their research and information fluency (ISTE-S).
The second part of my integration plan focuses on creating. The class would first spend time brainstorming/sketching multiple ideas and practicing drawing different patterns. In time they will get more comfortable drawing different types of patterns. Once they have created one that they really appreciate they can create a final pattern that will later be scanned and uploaded to the computer. All the student patterns will then be posted on a class Padlet wall for them to present to their classmates. This part of the lesson focuses on the following standards: 1.2.2.D.1 Create works of art using basic elements of color, line, shape, form, texture, and space...1.3.P.D.1 Demonstrate appropriate use of tools/materials....1.3.P.D.5 Demonstrating planning as a part of the creative process.... 1.2.6.D.3 Recognize and use various media and materials to create different works of art. This part of the lesson will work on their creativity and innovation, critical thinking, problem solving, and decision making (ISTE-S). This part will mostly be up to them. As the teacher I will assist and give my input on their progress/work. It will be up to the students to brainstorm ideas, work individually, and participate in the task at hand. They will work with multiple art technologies: paper, pens, markers, paint, pencils, stencils. Once finished, they will scan their work into the computer and save the image to the desktop. I will then upload all student work to a Padlet wall for them. Once this is done they will each find their pattern on the wall and caption it. This will later be used to present their work to the class.
The third part of my integration plan focuses on sharing. The standards that come into play here are: 1.2.2.D.3 Present completed works of art in exhibition inside or outside of classroom... 1.1.5.D.2 Compare and Contrast Ideas... 1.1.8.D.1 Art as language... 1.3.6.D.2 Describe a work of art that clearly illustrates a principle of design. Students will be challenged to present their pattern off of the Padlet wall (projected in the front of the room). Before doing this, I will give a mini lecture/refresher on patterns and textures using powerpoint. Students will then present their work one by one, discussing what inspired them as well as their creative process. After each presentation the students will be prompted to ask questions and give a constructive critique on the student's pattern. This part of the lesson will challenge the students ability to communicate and collaborate (ISTE-S). They will present, participate, cooperatively learn, critique, listen, Q&A, and be involved in discussion. The technology being used here will be the computer (Padlet, projector), they must find their pattern on the Padlet wall and present it.
This lesson allows students to explore patterns and textures as well as technology. They will be using multiple art technologies/materials, as well as the computer (Padlet, scanner, projector). They will explore how art is found in everyday and use this knowledge to inspire their own creation. By the end of this lesson they will have practiced researching, creating, as well as presenting. This lesson reaches many of the targets for art education standards.
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